Kenwood Replacement Parts

Model Number

Parts List

CategoryPart NumberDescriptionDemandAvailability
E30-4291-15Kenwood Cable, Din, ExtendcordNo
CaseA02-1486-13Kenwood Case, Fp CarryingNo
A53-1638-13Kenwood Cassette Lid Krc403 Krc50No
PanelTDF-97RKenwood Detach. Front Panel Krc60No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK25-0961-02Kenwood Fm/am Knobnon WarrNo
ScrewN99-1656-05Kenwood Hardware (2 Screws)No
ScrewN99-1632-05Kenwood Hardware (9 Screws)No
E30-4780-05Kenwood Harness, Wireuse "Kex"No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK25-0960-03Kenwood Knob (1-6)No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK25-0962-04Kenwood Knob (Disp)No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK24-1947-14Kenwood Knob (Eject)No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK24-1921-04Kenwood Knob (Src)No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK24-1922-03Kenwood Knob (Vol)No
B64-1289-00Kenwood Owners ManualNo
ICE-TDA7386Kenwood Power Ic Krc405 A907No
Knob, Dial, ButtonK24-1923-04Kenwood Release KnobNo
Remote ControlA70-0883-05
Kenwood Remote Control (Rc-500)No
B51-7424-00Kenwood S/m Krc607 Krcx657No
SleeveJ21-7881-03Kenwood Sleeve, CageNo
EscutcheonB07-2094-12Kenwood Trimplate Use "Kex"No

About Kenwood

Kenwood Corporation is a company that designs, develops and markets a range of car audio, Hi-Fi home and personal audio. Established in 1946 as the Kasuga Radio Co. Ltd. in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, in 1960 the company was renamed Trio Corporation. In 1963 the first overseas office was founded in Los Angeles County, California, USA. In the early 1960s, Trio's products were rebranded by the Lafayette Radio Company, with a focus on citizens' band radio.Today, products marketed by the company to consumer and commercial audiences fall within the home audio, car audio aftermarket and OEM and in car entertainment.